Streamlining Meeting Scheduling for a Corporate HR Department

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Streamlining Meeting Scheduling for a Corporate HR Department

Client Overview: The HR department of a mid-sized corporate firm.

Challenge: The client faced difficulties in scheduling meetings with multiple team members and external candidates, leading to scheduling conflicts and inefficiencies.


  • Created a Google Apps Script to automate the meeting scheduling process.
  • Integrated the script with Google Calendar and Google Sheets to check availability and schedule meetings.
  • Set up automatic email notifications to send meeting invitations and confirmations.
  • Developed a user-friendly interface for HR staff to input meeting details and preferences.


  • Streamlined the meeting scheduling process, reducing conflicts and overlaps.
  • Improved efficiency, saving the HR team several hours each week.
  • Enhanced communication with automatic notifications and reminders.
  • Increased satisfaction among team members and external candidates with the smoother scheduling process.

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