Optimizing CRM for a Real Estate Agency

Optimizing CRM for a Real Estate Agency

Client Overview: A real estate agency specializing in residential and commercial properties.

Challenge: The client faced difficulty in managing and tracking leads, resulting in missed follow-ups and lost sales opportunities.


  • Audited the existing CRM setup and identified gaps in lead management.
  • Customized the CRM to automate lead capture, assignment, and follow-up reminders.
  • Trained the sales team on best practices for using the CRM to ensure consistent data entry and follow-up.
  • Implemented dashboards and reports to track lead status and sales performance.


  • Improved lead tracking and follow-up consistency, reducing missed opportunities.
  • Increased conversion rates by 20% due to timely and effective follow-ups.
  • Enhanced visibility into sales performance and pipeline management.
  • Boosted sales team efficiency and accountability.

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