Elevating Customer Support for a Health and Wellness Company

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Elevating Customer Support for a Health and Wellness Company

Client Overview: A health and wellness company offering nutritional supplements and fitness programs.

Challenge: The client experienced a high volume of repetitive customer inquiries, which overwhelmed their support team and led to longer response times.


  • Developed a comprehensive knowledge base and self-service portal to address common questions.
  • Implemented a chatbot to handle repetitive inquiries and direct customers to relevant resources.
  • Trained the client’s support team on using the new tools and managing escalated issues efficiently.
  • Regularly updated the knowledge base with new information based on customer feedback and inquiries.


  • Reduced support ticket volume by 35% due to the effectiveness of the self-service portal.
  • Decreased average response time by 50%.
  • Improved overall customer satisfaction, as evidenced by a 30% increase in positive feedback.

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