Automating Workflow for a Non-Profit Organization

Automating Workflow for a Non-Profit Organization

Client Overview: A non-profit organization focused on community development projects.

Challenge: The client needed to streamline their project management workflow, which involved multiple repetitive tasks and manual data entry.


  • Developed a Google Apps Script to automate the project management workflow.
  • Integrated the script with Google Sheets and Google Drive to manage project data and documents.
  • Automated task assignments and progress tracking, sending email notifications to team members.
  • Created a centralized dashboard to monitor project status and updates in real-time.


  • Streamlined the workflow, reducing the time spent on manual tasks by 50%.
  • Improved project management and coordination among team members.
  • Enhanced transparency and accountability with real-time tracking and updates.
  • Allowed the non-profit to allocate more resources to community development activities.

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