Automating Invoice Generation for a Freelance Design Agency

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Automating Invoice Generation for a Freelance Design Agency

Client Overview: A freelance design agency providing graphic design and branding services to small businesses.

Challenge: The client was manually generating invoices for each project, which was time-consuming and prone to errors, affecting their productivity and professionalism.


  • Developed a Google Apps Script to automate the invoice generation process.
  • Integrated the script with Google Sheets to pull client and project data.
  • Created a template in Google Docs for the invoices and set up the script to populate the template with data from Google Sheets.
  • Automated the emailing process to send invoices directly to clients once generated.


  • Reduced the time spent on invoice generation by 70%.
  • Eliminated errors in invoicing, ensuring accurate billing.
  • Improved client satisfaction with timely and professional invoices.
  • Allowed the client to focus more on creative work and less on administrative tasks.

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